190 research outputs found


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    This article uses a historical historical approach in studying the “religious intellectual traditions in Indonesia” through scientific contacs between Muslim scholars in the archipelago and leading scholars in the Middle East when they studied Islamic sciences, especially in the Haramayn region (Makkah and Madinah). It was through this scientific contact that a generation of Indonesian Muslim scholars or intellectuals was born who colored the growth and development of scientific activity in the archipelago at the end of the 17th century AD until the 20th century AD. In the end, this scientific contact gave birth to a discourse on Islamic intellectual traditions the developed in Indonesia, among others, the transmission of Islamic sciences, the harmonization of sharia and Sufism, the rise of the study of yellow books, the emergence of works of archipelago scholars, the birth of Islamic educational institutions, and the development of neo-sufism and tarekat teachings in Indonesia. Key words: Discourse; tradition; intellectual-religion

    Structural modeling and analysis of non-mammalian CA VI

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    Pentraxins are a family of host defense components of the innate immune system and phylogenetically conserved pattern recognition proteins. The short pentraxins are serum amyloid P component (SAP) and C-reactive protein (CRP), and the long pentraxins are pentraxin 3 (PTX3), which are only pattern recognization molecules. In non-mammalian species, carbonic anhydrase VI (CA VI) contains an additional short pentraxin domain, and short pentraxins form pentamer units. Our study is an effort to understand the interaction properties pattern of the pentameric model of zebrafish CA VI+PTX complex. Our results based on the comparisons between SAP and CRP structures and the cluster between their protomers seem different as the list of contacts varies. Between the pentameric model of zebrafish CA VI+PTX complex and CRP electrostatic surfaces, significant hydrophilic and hydrophobic differences are observed among the CA VI+PTX complex and CRP. The counted conserved residues in both pentraxins are the same, but the fact that conserved residues in similar positions and conserved between SAP and CRP. The SAP has a lot more conservation, which is buried, and it seems to have more contact structure because many of these essential residues are buried, at least 95%. The interface residues are not highly conserved but whereas the calcium-binding sites are relatively conserved. The Ca2+ binding sites of pentraxins are organized in a similar mode, and Ca2+ ions coordinating residues are the same in both pentraxins. Finally, compare the contact between SAP and CRP. The amount of contact or amount of contact residue is similar, only that the mode of binding is very different. Because of the difference and low conservation of contacting residues, it is concluded that the mode of Ca6 associated PTX cannot be fully predicted based on this study. However, multiple van der Waals contacts and one ionic contact were observed to be conserved between CRP and SAP, which may form a basis for understanding contacts between CA VI +PTX monomers


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    The conclusion of this research is that the existence of fashl (separator) between mudhaf and mudhaf ilaîh contained in the qiraah of Ibn 'Âmir is a way that is accommodated by one of the Arabic syntactic opinions. Specifically, because mudhâf and mudhâf ilaîh are manzilah syaî´ wâhid (one unit), the presence of fashl between the two is not allowed. However, the qiraah of Ibn ʻmir asy-Syâmî narrated fashl between mudhaf and mudhaf ilaîh where the transmission is valid and has the argument that fashl between mudhaf and mudhaf ilaîh can in fact be found in the kalam of the Arabs


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    Abstrak: Misi kolonial Belanda untuk memperkokoh kekuasaan dan ekspansi ajaran Kristen di wilayah Nusantara berlangsung dengan didirikannya lembaga-lembaga pendidikan untuk menyiapkan pegawai di birokrasi pemerintahan dan tidak membenarkan masuknya materi pendidikan agama Islam di Sekolah-sekolah Gubernemen. Kondisi demikian mendorong reaksi kaum Modernis Muslim untuk bergegas mendirikan lembaga pendidikan tersendiri yang dianggap mampu beradaptasi sekaligus mengantisipasi berkembangnya misi kolonial tersebut. Reaksi ini buat pertama kali ditandai dengan berdirinya Adabiyah School melalui usaha dan kerja keras Abdullah Ahmad yang didukung oleh teman-teman seperjuangannya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perihal terkait dengan latar belakang  modernisasi di institusi Adabiyah dan upaya-upaya modernisasi yang telah dilakukan.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, artikel ini mengungkap fakta historis bahwa Adabiyah School merupakan Sekolah Islam Modern pertama di Indonesia yang menganut sistem klasikal dan berkompetisi terhadap sistem pendidikan kolonial Belanda dengan mengembangkan sekolah modern guna mengurangi jumlah generasi muda muslim mengikuti pendidikan di Sekolah Gubernemen, sehingga terbina kepribadian warga masyarakat untuk mengamalkan Islam dan tidak terpengaruh dengan misi Kristenisasi yang dibawa penjajah Belanda. Meskipun Adabiyah School tidak bertahan begitu lama dalam perkembangan sejarah, namun penularan modernisasi pendidikan yang diawalinya memberikan pengaruh kuat terhadap bangkitnya sekolah-sekolah Islam modern hingga saat ini. Kata Kunci: Adabiyah School, modernisasi, sekolah Islam Abstract: Modernization of Islamic Education in Indonesia: The Case of the Adabiyah School. The Dutch colonial mission to strengthen the power and expansion of Christian teachings in the archipelago took place with the establishment of educational institutions to prepare workers in the world of government bureaucracy and do not justify the inclusion of Islamic religious education materials in the Governorate Schools. Such conditions encourage the reaction of Muslim Modernists to rush to establish an independent educational institution that is considered capable of adapting as well as anticipating the development of the colonial mission. This reaction was marked for the first time by the establishment of Adabiyah School through the efforts and hard work of Abdullah Ahmad and supported by his comrades. This article aims to examine matters relating to the background of modernization in the Adabiyah institution and the efforts of modernization that have been made. Using historical research methods, this article reveals the historical fact that the Adabiyah School is the first Modern Islamic School in Indonesia that adheres to the classical system and competes with the Dutch colonial education system by developing a modern school to reduce the number of young Muslims attending education in the Gubernemen's School so that it is fostered personalities of citizens to practice Islam and not be influenced by the mission of Christianization brought by the Dutch invaders. Although the Adabiyah School did not last so long in historical development, the transmission of the modernization of education that it started had a strong influence on the rise of modern Islamic schools to this day. Keywords: Adabiyah School, modernization, Islamic schoo


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    The existence of Hadith as a source of teachings conveyed by the Prophet occupies a very important position in providing guidance in determining the direction and goals of education. In many aspects, various Hadiths have given signals and explanations about the importance of shaping the human personality to become a complete Muslim (insan kamil) as the ultimate goal of Islamic Education. Through the content analysis method, ths article aims to explore the content of the Hadith which directs the development of individual basic potentials towards the formation of a complete personality, so that it can help educators and education administrators succeed in delivering students to achieve the true goals of Islamic education.Keywords: Educational Objectives, Hadis, Islamic Education


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    Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang pengenalan terhadap sosok insan kamil dalam bingkai filsafat pendidikan Islam. Dengan menggunakan metode library research, penelitian ini memberikan analisis tentang peran pendidikan Islam dalam pembentukan insan kamil. Dalam operasionalisasinya, pendidikan Islam merupakan proses transformasi dan internalisasi ilmu pengetahuan serta nilai-nilai pada diri anak melalui penumbuhan dan pengembangan potensi fitrahnya guna mencapai keselarasan dan kesempurnaan hidup dalam segala aspeknya. Upaya untuk mewujudkan insân kâmil  sejalan dengan pembinaan manusia seutuhnya dalam kualitas pribadi Muslim sejati sebagaimana yang diinginkan dalam tujuan pendidikan Islam. Dengan demikian, konsepsi tentang insân kâmil merupakan produk intelektualisme yang berharga dan bernilai tinggi bagi pengembangan pemikiran kefilsafatan pendidikan Islam, terutama guna melakukan reorientasi tujuan pendidikan Islam.Kata Kunci: pendidikan Islam, manusia sempurna, tasawuf, filsafat, al-Qur’anAbstract: This article discusses the perfect man (insân kâmil) in the context of Islamic education philosophy. This study examines the function of Islamic education in the formation of insân kâmil utilizing the library research method. Islamic education, in its most basic form, is a process of transforming and internalizing information and values in children via the growth and development of their natural potential, with the goal of achieving harmony and perfection in all aspects of life. The attempt to attain insân kâmil is in keeping with the goals of Islamic education, which include the development of a whole human being with the personal attributes of a sincere Muslim. As a result, the notion of insân kâmil is a significant and high-value intellectual output for the growth of philosophical thought in Islamic education, particularly in order to refocus Islamic education’s goals.Keywords: Islamic Education, perfect man, sufism, philosophy, Qur’an


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    This study aims to analyze the educational process which contains the strengthening of religious moderation in shaping the character of students at Madrasah Aliyah Raushan Fikri Islamic School. This research was conducted in the form of field research using qualitative methods and Miles-Huberman analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. By conducting observations, interviews, and document studies, it was found that strengthening religious moderation at Madrasah Aliyah Raushan Fikri Islamic School was carried out by internalizing the values of religious moderation in several subjects, implementing the integration of knowledge in the learning process, applying it in daily interactions in schools, developing a tradition of religious literacy, and at certain times students are directed to take part in activities based on religious moderatio

    Design and Implementation of Robofly Wing Flapping Mechanism Using Piezoelectric Crystal

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    Micromechanical Flying Insect (MFI) or simply ‘robofly’ is a newly introduced air vehicle which is tiny and maneuverable. It is a project requiring collaboration from several academic areas such as biology, robotics and engineering. The target robotic insects are electromechanical devices propelled by a pair of independent flapping wings to achieve sustained autonomous flight, thereby mimicking real insects. Part of the research involves trying to figure out how insects, and specifically flies, flap their wings with high speed and intensity. Initiation stage of this project was to conduct thorough study and research on the robofly. Considering high frequency of flapping motion, robofly is best actuated by piezoelectric ceramics. The direct piezoelectric effect is that piezo ceramic generates an electrical charge during mechanical distortion or load. During an inverse piezoelectric effect the piezoceramic body changes under the influence of an electrical field. The Piezoelectric effect can occur under the influence of external forces. Depending on the force direction electrical charges with corresponding polarity are generated. An inverse piezoelectric effect takes place under the influence of electrical fields. The body changes its dimension along with the change of voltage. The main objective of this project is mainly the design of the thorax structure for robofly and it is defined as the most critical part during this project ongoing. The most efficient method for the robofly to take off into the air is to design a flapping mechanism actuated by piezoelectric. Using a four bar linkage, small piezoelectric linear displacement can be converted to rotational wing motion at high frequency. Solid model design and motion simulation has been generated for both options. The output from both designs are to be compared and the best output in terms of wing stroke angle being picked as best design

    Explanation Techniques using Markov Logic Networks

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    Explanation Techniques using Markov Logic Network